The life Changes


It is a new start! Few days ago I met one person who was trying to talk and wanted to be frank with me but I was not. The reason behind my expressions were unknown. It does not mean that I was showing my attitude or something because I am what I am. I treated him well and I was not at all arrogant but suddenly I received a massage from his side that “This is Life and every day is a new beginning.” I was amazed and asked him why did he wrote this to me? He observed something or some intuition has come onto his mind, I was curious to know.  but he did not answer.

  “This is Life and every day is a new beginning.” We read this line many times. We give advises to people but are we following it? Let us start here…….

The only thing which keep on running is our mind. Our mind has an incredible and powerful ability to change the things. This can create, modify, update & delete the moments which had happened, are happening and may be you are about to do it. When we start realizing what our mind is trying to say, or we suddenly opt the things which our mind was asking us for long, at that time a change has come into our life’s door step. We know very well that Change is a necessity but some time we were not ready and sudden change happen. It can be anything. Could be related to you daily work routine, might be nature of person toward you or can be your internal yourself which was not agreeing to change but it did ! The only reason is ” Change is a process not a event.”

Many times you feel distrust or antagonist but the happening has happened. So this is what I learnt new is Change is a phenomenon. You cant stop what is changing or what next gonna change. So be in present and live in Today.  If you are in present then you will not be worrying for future. Yes! This is life. Everything keeps on moving. Every day is a new beginning so Live it and pass positive vibes to others.


Published by Razia

Hi Readers, this is my Blog, THE REAL LIFE. I am a person who is positive about every aspect of life. moonlight at night; I like to sing, dance, writing poems, reading different books, etc. The struggle in my life teaches me a lot. I have learned so much from my weaknesses & it became my strengths. I wanted to become an Engineer or an IAS Officer but could not become. I started my career with teaching and now working in FMCG. I could not full fill my all dreams But my dream is still alive. Now, I started my life differently. The way which leads me to happiness...

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